Advertise with us

Support ABC Radio by advertising with us

Local business and organisations can engage with potential customers, through affordable sponsorship messages and commercials on ABC Radio.

All sponsorship messages and advertisements are professionally produced by a UK based production company.

Sponsorship is available as a main programme or feature sponsor and would be a 'dry voice' message and run for 10 seconds, with the option of a male or female voice.

Adverts run for 30 seconds and play out at 20 past and 20 to the hour. Each advert carries a one-off creative charge, with advertisers then being able to match their 'airtime' to their budget. 


Sponsors and advertisers are welcome to provide their own wording for any message, or alternatively, our creative team will be able to write a script for you to approve, using the information you provide, to ensure any message is delivered clearly and within the time frame.

For more information about advertising on ABC Radio and the relevant costs, please email:

Click below to hear samples of a selection of our current advertisers.

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